A basic overview of the classes and their purpose.
These classes comprise the essential functionality of the module. Each class represents an aspect of configuration.
Some group configuration options together under a single heading, others activate services or specific features of the OS X platform.
Module initializer. Accepts no parameters.
The parent class is simply here to contain
the other classes. When you create a manifest that stipulates:
include managedmac
The classes contained by the parent class are essentially dormant until they receive configuration parameters from Hiera.
The init.pp file contains the managedmac::security class. 1
contain managedmac::security
But until a parameter is passed to the class (from Hiera or another source) the net effect of the class will be zero.
This class can leverage two providers:
By default, the managedmac::activedirectory
class leverages the Mobileconfig
type to bind of Macs to an Active Directory using an advanced Active Directory OS X configuration profile.
NOTE: This provider is deprecated in favor of the new Dsconfigad
The new Dsconfigad
provider is more flexible and will become the default in future versions of this module. It is strongly recommended that you configure the class to use this provider.
managedmac::activedirectory::enable: true
managedmac::activedirectory::provider: dsconfigad
managedmac::activedirectory::computer: some_computer
managedmac::activedirectory::hostname: ad.apple.com
managedmac::activedirectory::username: some_account
managedmac::activedirectory::password: some_password
For a complete list of parameters, see the managedmac::activedirectory documentation.
Primitive class for managing a few common customizations in the OS X authorization database.
At present, this class only controls a few of the System Preferences panes.
# Allow 'everyone' access to the Energy Saver settings pane
managedmac::authorization::allow_energysaver: true
For a complete list of parameters, see the managedmac::authorization documentation.
Enables control of Energy Saver settings for Desktops and Portables using an OS X profile.
This class can be a little confusing because the data you need to pass in is fairly complicated.
'Automatic Restart On Power Loss': true
'Disk Sleep Timer-boolean': true
'Display Sleep Timer': 15
'Sleep On Power Button': false
'Wake On LAN': true
'System Sleep Timer': 30
eventtype: sleep
time: 1410
weekdays: 127
eventtype: wakepoweron
time: 480
weekdays: 127
'Automatic Restart On Power Loss': true
'Disk Sleep Timer-boolean': true
'Display Sleep Timer': 15
'Wake On LAN': true
'System Sleep Timer': 30
'Automatic Restart On Power Loss': false
'Disk Sleep Timer-boolean': true
'Display Sleep Timer': 5
'System Sleep Timer': 10
'Wake On LAN': true
For a complete list of parameters, see the managedmac::energysaver documentation.
Manages FDE using an OS X profile.
As a bonus, this class exposes some features not available via the Profile Manger interface.
managedmac::filevault::enable: true
managedmac::filevault::use_recovery_key: true
managedmac::filevault::show_recovery_key: true
For a complete list of parameters, see the managedmac::filevault documentation.
Enables the installation of a master loginhook and allows configuration of a directory child scripts.
When you activate this class, Puppet installs a master loginhook. This script then looks for the directory you specified and executes any viable code in that directory.
managedmac::loginhook::enable: true
managedmac::loginhook::scripts: /path/to/your/scripts
For a complete list of parameters, see the managedmac::loginhook documentation.
Controls Loginwindow ACL (com.apple.access_loginwindow) and various loginwindow options.
This class combines group management and an OS X profile to create a comprehensive feature set for controlling loginwindow.
# Controlling access via com.apple.access_loginwindow
- fry
- bender
- robothouse
- 20EFB92F-4842-4218-8973-9F4738963660
# Controlling access via allow/deny lists
- D2C2107F-CE19-4C9F-9235-688BEB01D8C0
- 779A91D0-885B-4066-97FC-BEECB737E6AF
- C3F27BC2-8F89-4D56-9525-95B5133D8F25
- F1A496E4-86EB-4387-A4D6-5D6FAD9201E7
# Configuring options
managedmac::loginwindow::loginwindow_text: "Some message..."
managedmac::loginwindow::show_name_and_password_fields: true
managedmac::loginwindow::disable_console_access: true
managedmac::loginwindow::enable_external_accounts: false
managedmac::loginwindow::hide_admin_users: false
managedmac::loginwindow::hide_local_users: false
For a complete list of parameters, see the managedmac::loginwindow documentation.
Corollary to managedmac::loginhook.
When you activate this class, Puppet installs a master logouthook. This script then looks for the directory you specified and executes any viable code in that directory.
managedmac::logouthook::enable: true
managedmac::logouthook::scripts: /path/to/your/scripts
For a complete list of parameters, see the managedmac::logouthook documentation.
Embeds select MCX policy in an OS X profile using the Mobileconfig type.
Used to control policy fragments not directly supported by OS X profiles.
managedmac::mcx::bluetooth: on
managedmac::mcx::wifi: off
- /Applications/Chess.app
managedmac::mcx::suppress_icloud_setup: true
- com.apple.preferences.icloud
For a complete list of parameters, see the managedmac::mcx documentation.
Simple class for configuring a list of shares you want mounted at login.
Dynamically creates an OS X profile containg the list of mounts. Uses OS X Finder, so prompts for authentication as required.
NOTE: Payload variables do not work. What Apple's documentation fails to distinguish is that Payload variables are not a feature of the client, but the Profile Manager service. This means that the variable substitution is performed at download time, not when the policy is being parsed.
- 'https://some.dav.com/web/personal'
- 'smb://some.windows.com/some_share'
- 'afp://mac.server.com/some_share'
For a complete list of parameters, see the managedmac::mounts documentation.
Activates and configures NTP synchronization.
Allows you to set a list of network time servers and ensure the activation of the NTP client.
managedmac::ntp::enable: true
- time.apple.com
- time1.google.com
For a complete list of parameters, see the managedmac::ntp documentation.
Leverages the Mobileconfig type to deploy a Mobility profile capable of supporting Portable Home Directory synchronization.
This class accepts a bewildering array of parameters -- mainly because it is a option-for-option implementation of the OS X Mobility feature set.
It can be complicated to configure, but anybody who actually uses adavanced Portable Home Directory synchronization should be comfortable enough with the interface.
Some special attention was given to the design of filters so that it they are easy to control using Hiera. Also, parameters for this class do not follow normal Puppet naming conventions. This was a conscious design choice. The accpetable parameters are simply too numerous to transpose.
managedmac::portablehomes::enable: true
managedmac::portablehomes::menuextra: on
managedmac::portablehomes::backgroundConflictResolution: mobileHomeWins
managedmac::portablehomes::backgroundSuppressErrors: true
managedmac::portablehomes::periodicSyncOn: true
managedmac::portablehomes::syncPeriodSeconds: 720
For a complete list of parameters, see the managedmac::portablehomes documentation.
Abstracts the OS X kickstart
utility and allows control and configuration of the builtin Remote Management service.
NOTE: User ACLs use a strange notation. See the class documentation for details.
managedmac::remotemanagement::enable: true
user_a: -1073741569
user_b: -1073741569
managedmac::remotemanagement::enable_dir_logins: true
- com.apple.local.ard_admin
- com.apple.local.ard_interact
- com.apple.local.ard_manage
- com.apple.local.ard_reports
For a complete list of parameters, see the managedmac::remotemanagement documentation.
Controls Screen Sharing ACL (com.apple.access_screensharing) and and service options.
Combines group management and service management into a single Puppet class.
NOTE: when both managedmac::screensharing::enable
and managedmac::remotemanagement::enable
are true, managedmac::remotemanagement takes precedence and Screen Sharing is not activated.
managedmac::screensharing::enable: true
- leela
- bender
- robotmafia
For a complete list of parameters, see the managedmac::screensharing documentation.
Collection of various OS X Security options, applied as an OS X profile.
managedmac::security::ask_for_password: true
managedmac::security::ask_for_password_delay: 300
managedmac::security::disable_autologin: true
For a complete list of parameters, see the managedmac::security documentation.
Manages Software Update options using an OS X profile and global preference domains.
Abstracts com.apple.SoftwareUpdate PayloadType using Mobileconfig type and controls keys in global com.apple.SoftwareUpdate and com.apple.storeagent prefs domain.
NOTE: Control of the preferences in com.apple.SoftwareUpdate and com.apple.storeagent are subject to change by Administrators. If you are managing these settings and another administrator makes a change on the local workstation, Puppet will revert the change, but they cannot blocked out entirely.
managedmac::softwareupdate::catalog_url: http://my.reposado.com/reposado/html/content/catalogs/index.sucatalog
managedmac::softwareupdate::automatic_update_check: true
managedmac::softwareupdate::auto_update_apps: true
managedmac::softwareupdate::automatic_download: false
managedmac::softwareupdate::config_data_install: false
managedmac::softwareupdate::critical_update_install: false
For a complete list of parameters, see the managedmac::softwareupdate documentation.
Controls SSHD ACL (com.apple.access_sshd) and and service options.
If you need to augment the service with extra configuration files, you can local paths or puppet:/// style UNC paths.
managedmac::sshd::enable: true
managedmac::sshd::sshd_config: puppet:///modules/your_module/sshd_config
managedmac::sshd::sshd_banner: puppet:///modules/your_module/sshd_banner
- leela
- bender
- robotmafia
For a complete list of parameters, see the managedmac::sshd documentation.
Raw constructors are a special group of classes. They leverage Puppet's builtin create_resources
function to enable you to add new resources without authoring any Puppet code.
To create new resources, you simply pass in data as per the Core Classes.
The provides a simple way to extend the managedmac module without resorting to forking, editing or modifying the existing code.
Create new Puppet Cron resources.
command: '/usr/sbin/logrotate'
user: 'root'
hour: 2
minute: 0
For a complete list of parameters, see the managedmac::cron documentation.
Create new Puppet Exec resources.
command: '/usr/bin/who > /tmp/who.dump'
command: '/bin/ps aux > /tmp/ps.dump'
For a complete list of parameters, see the managedmac::execs documentation.
Create new Files.
ensure: file
owner: root
group: admin
mode: '0644'
content: "This is an example of how to create a file using the content parameter."
source: puppet:///modules/my_module/example_file_b.txt
ensure: directory
owner: root
group: admin
mode: '0755'
For a complete list of parameters, see the managedmac::files documentation.
Create new OS X user groups.
ensure: present
gid: 998
- foo
- bar
gid: 999
- foo_group
For a complete list of parameters, see the managedmac::groups documentation.
Create new OS X profiles.
description: 'Installed by Puppet.'
organization: 'Puppet Labs'
largesize: 128
orientation: left
tilesize: 128
autohide: true
PayloadType: 'com.apple.dock'
displayname: 'Managed Mac: Dock Settings'
For a complete list of parameters, see the managedmac::mobileconfigs documentation.
Create new OS X Property Lists or Preference domains.
owner: root
group: wheel
format: xml
- 'A string.'
- a_hash_key: 1
- 42
0: 1
foo: bar
bar: baz
- 99
For a complete list of parameters, see the managedmac::propertylists documentation.
Create new OS X user accounts.
ensure: present
gid: 20
uid: 505
iterations: 32786
password: 4f5942e989e7566955d42421dc4b80c0fa45f6fb2ecbc1026b2183060c8ecbec38582b1a8a6459574ebe1a2d7884d9e8d2a460e8ea3fcf179964a6325a688d7ee7cc60bbb8b8abf252c6a6a799760da0b0fe6e4562f506b2355b03f272580ed9bdbbae55152dfbac066d9c62a799ee184f9904da153a3c20d66657cf3b60d5c8
salt: 77586e8902d744f650758b402b44e174d7943b10b145c921b3b71affbaf9a32d
uid: 506
iterations: 32786
password: a85ea7ce2df74b13be298d6584edbb35558b74616a70e579252416a6b76d0a615c88b7d566280fa5e035e8db7b1a0c4e3ee4b8cd6204652dcb6c89e6e450a60ca7ed0cc9fa545326ca25211e6f600835f50642ab9d407fa30999c68c05b92d9281eff4a66c67f44ed2f8b8eaf8b62283db202bc98e21c0df9a95cf9abb359b69
salt: 9ab79307a7bfbb293b4f015ae748d227423481bcd4e5801f450697d15fb67144
For a complete list of parameters, see the managedmac::users documentation.